13 Life Lessons You Realise As You Get Older

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Re: 13 Life Lessons You Realise As You Get Older

Postby jeevan » Mon Aug 28, 2017 12:35 pm

11. Set goals.

Whether it is financially, emotionally or aspirationally, make a list of what you want to achieve in the future, what you want to see yourself doing, and where you want to go. Make a mind map of all the things you want to achieve by the time you reach a certain age.


12. Right and wrong, good and evil, are subjective.

What is defined as right and wrong in our childhood may not always hold true as we get older. Questions of morality and compassion often come in to question, thereby altering our ideas of which side of the table they lie. Sometimes, there is no right or wrong. We are only left to our own devices to figure out why it all matters.


13. Fitting in is not necessary

We are all different and sometimes we tend to stand out as black sheep. As kids, we try hard to fit in, but if we are still not accepted, it is simply futile. If our differences really stand out, perhaps it is what defines us, and what makes us special.


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