Husband Gave His Unfaithful Ex-Wife Half Of Everything - Literally

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Re: Husband Gave His Unfaithful Ex-Wife Half Of Everything - Literally

Postby shahrukh » Fri Oct 06, 2017 11:55 am

“There’s no need for cuddling stuffed animals – for such things, there are affectionate co-workers”


“Watching TV alone is already depressing enough. The device is very compact and has several inputs, but am not sure whether they all work”


“In recent years, I’ve spent many beautiful evenings on this sofa with my woman. She did not find the evenings so beautiful, which is why my ex-wife now sits on another couch”


“Whoever wonders where the second half is may want to check with my ex-wife”


“I offer here, in my opinion, the best REM album… “Everybody Hurts” (how true !!!) and Nightswimming are the best passages on it yet”


“Unfortunately, I can offer only half… But no matter, I have made sure that the best sketches are on my half”


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