12 Things To Do Today That Your Future Will Thank You

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Re: 12 Things To Do Today That Your Future Will Thank You

Postby vinay » Tue Sep 20, 2016 5:59 pm

11. Learn a martial art


One of the biggest advantages of learning self-defence is the way it makes you feel afterwards. The whole point is to prepare you for any situation that may bring harm to you. Physical conditioning is extremely important and training and practicing prepares you for the adrenaline rush when such a situation arises. Looking at the way things are shaping up in the country, learning some form of self-defence is definitely a must!

12. Speak your mind and do only the things that you like


It can feel really bad when you look back on something in your past and think, “I wish I'd said that.” You replay the event or situation over and over and kick yourself for keeping your mouth shut when you had every right to say exactly what was on your mind at that very moment. People today are extra cautious about the words that come out of their mouths. Everyone tries to be politically correct so as not to offend anyone else’s sensibilities. While it’s good to not openly attack or belittle someone else for their thoughts or beliefs, it is not wrong if you share some of your own. Be open enough to share your thoughts and encourage others to do the same.

Whether it's work, friendship or any project or relationship, speaking and doing what you like and think right is one thing that’ll definitely benefit you in the long run!

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