This 8-Year-Old Boy Spent 2 Years Growing His Hair To Make Wigs For Kids With Cancer

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This 8-Year-Old Boy Spent 2 Years Growing His Hair To Make Wigs For Kids With Cancer

Postby jeevan » Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:02 pm

When Thomas Moore saw his mom watching a video on Facebook about a girl who had lost her hair to cancer, he had an idea. The almost 8-eight-year-old decided to start growing his hair out for kids who had lost theirs to chemotherapy, and so that’s what he did. For the next two years.
And as you can see from the pictures below, the kid grew a pretty impressive amount of hair! In fact, by the time he was done with his heartwarming project, Thomas, from Maryland, had enough hair to make three wigs!






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