11 Foods That Should Be Avoided To Slow Down Aging

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Re: 11 Foods That Should Be Avoided To Slow Down Aging

Postby shahrukh » Sat Mar 23, 2019 5:23 pm

4. From All the Processed Meats Buy Poultry

Most deli meats, such as hot dogs, bacon, sausage and pepperoni are very high in saturated fats and sulfite, which can decrease the level of collagen in your skin and may even cause inflammation.
To minimize the harm, opt for the leanest meats, such as poultry, which still have a lot of protein and amino acids other meats have, but won’t overload your body with fats.


5. Stop Eating Margarine and Use Olive Oil Or Avocados Instead

Studies have shown that people who consume little to no margarine or butter have less wrinkles and skin damage than those who like to stick to buttering their toast every morning. Margarine is especially harmful, as it contains a lot of trans fats, which can harm your body and promote aging if consumed regularly.

Swapping margarine for olive oil in cooking and replacing it with avocados in sandwiches will benefit your body greatly, as both replacements are especially rich in antioxidants. In fact, several people see benefits from applying avocado and olive oil on their skin topically as well, and many anti-aging and skin-plumping creams contain them as key ingredients.


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