11 Most Unusual Dress Codes From Around The World

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Re: 11 Most Unusual Dress Codes From Around The World

Postby jeevan » Tue Jun 18, 2019 12:49 pm

8. Always dress classy for Harrods- a luxury store in London.


Classy is London's forte. The store won’t allow you in if you’re wearing “clothing which may reveal intimate parts of the body, or which portrays offensive pictures or writing”.

9. Staff of a county library system in Sevierville, Tennessee can only wear were colors like black, grey, white, cream and purple.


10. When swimming in France, only wear speedos and not loose trunks.


11. It is illegal to “imitate the appearance of the opposite sex” in Kuwait.


Around 14 people have been imprisoned under this law since it was approved in December 2007.

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