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Re: 11 Foods That Should Be Avoided To Slow Down Aging

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 5:23 pm
by shahrukh
It’s not a myth that certain foods can make your skin look older, both in the short and long term. Many of you will know that very salty foods can deprive the skin of its usual plumpness and glow

2. Replace French Fries With Sweet Potato Fries

Very few foods are as bad for your skin, as french fries, as they’re both salty and contain a lot of AGEs because potatoes are rich in sugars and they’re fried in oil at extremely high temperatures. So don’t be surprised if your skin feels extra dry and puffy the morning after you’ve eaten french fries.

A great alternative for french fries are sweet potato fries, especially if you cut down on the saltiness as well. Sweet potatoes contain a lot of copper, which can help counteract the effect of AGEs because it helps collagen production.


3. Instead of White Sugar Use Honey Or Fruit

White sugar is bad for our health for so many reasons: it has been linked to diabetes, heart disease and kidney disease for at least for the past 50 years, so it is always a great idea to cut down on white sugar or to replace it altogether.

Apart from that, white sugar is a known trigger of acne and other skin concerns, and it can speed up aging by damaging the collagen in the skin. Clearly, it is nearly impossible to cut out added sugar from our diets for most of us, so opt for sweets that contain a lot of beneficial ingredients, such as antioxidants, apart from all the sugar.

All berries, honey and even dark chocolate are rich in antioxidants, and honey even has some antibacterial benefits, so it will aid your skin instead of damaging it.
