13 Possible Reasons Why Your Memory Is Letting You Down

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Re: 13 Possible Reasons Why Your Memory Is Letting You Down

Postby shahrukh » Mon May 08, 2017 11:33 am


4. Menopause

A common theory that makes the connection between forgetfulness and menopause with women was recently corroborated. Research conducted by the University of California confirms that as estrogen levels dwindle, memory lapses tend to occur. Estrogen protects neurotransmitters, and without it, they become less efficient. Such cases can be treated with HRT.

5. Migraines

If you suffer from migraines, you may be at risk of suffering from Transient Global Amnesia (TGA) in your 50’s. TGA is a state where a person cannot recall events from the previous day, cannot remember where they are or how they got there while still remembering who they are and who other people are.

It is customary to see this type of amnesia as a result of a genetic flaw, leading to a spread of nerve impulses in the brain. TGA can temporarily paralyze the memory, and just like migraines, can be triggered by sudden immersion in hot or cold water, extreme emotional distress, or even sexual intercourse. Luckily, TGA is not very common, rarely occurs more than once in a lifetime and is reversible.

6. Long Flights

Long flights can leave us exhausted and weary. These symptoms are usually caused by inconsistent sleep patterns, as well as jet lag.
Research conducted at the University of California showed that the feeling of drowsiness, memory lapses and the difficulty in processing information can extend for quite some time after the flight, and even after the feelings of jet lag have passed. When we sleep, our hippocampus processes our memories, so not enough sleep can cause memory lapses.

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