Don't Be Sorry For

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Re: Don't Be Sorry For

Postby vinay » Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:10 pm


7. Making wrong choices in the past.
No one saw it coming. Okay, maybe you saw it coming but you ignored the signs.Go ahead and feel sorry for yourself...but don't wallow in it. Don't make it your permanent residence. Most of all, don't make your wrong choices define you, and shape your future.


8. Asking for help or questions.
You can't do everything yourself.Don't be sorry for asking questions. Better admit you don't know something than pretend to be a genius and embarrass yourself in the long run.


9. Your quirks.
So what if you still read fairy tales or young adult fiction before going to bed even when you're too old for it?
So what if you dress like a lady, but love heavy metal music?
So what if you're the odd one out?


10. Your big dreams and/or achievements.
Don't let people who lack imagination look down on your creative plans.
Don't let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big. You only scare those who are weaker than you are.


11. Cheating on your diet.
Unless you're putting your health at risk, go ahead and eat to your heart's content.
You don't have to eat less, just eat right.

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