10 Immunity Building Foods You Should Add To Your Diet Today

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Re: 10 Immunity Building Foods You Should Add To Your Diet Today

Postby jeevan » Mon Sep 11, 2017 4:46 pm

2. Dark green vegetables


Green vegetables such as spinach, methi (fenugreek leaves), amaranth, gourds, broccoli, drumstick leaves, dill leaves etc. are good source of folic acid, iron, fibre and a range of vitamins and minerals. Dark green vegetables should feature more regularly in your diet – at least thrice a week, in the form of soups, salads, raita, subzi or chutneys. You can also chop them finely and add to the dough used to make rotis and parathas/ dosa/ idli. They can also be combined with pulses.

3. Sweet Corn


Sweet corn is rich in fibre, vitamin B12 and proteins. You can have it boiled or roasted with lemon and chat masala. Corn can be included in salads, soups, sandwiches and other dishes. Corn takes some time to digest, so moderate the amount of corn you have in each serving.

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