19 Villages In India So Scenic, You Might Consider Living There

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Re: 19 Villages In India So Scenic, You Might Consider Living There

Postby neeraj » Wed Nov 22, 2017 6:45 pm

9. Lambasingi, Andhra Pradesh

This is the only place in South India that experiences snowfall and government agencies expect it to be the next big tourism spot in the years to come. Coffee and pepper are grown in this region which are exported.


10. Kalap, Uttarakhand

Located in the upper Garhwal Himalayas, Kalap is one of the most remote places in India. Getting there requires a 4 hour trek from Netwar, a small town a few kilometres from Dehradun. The scenery here is absolutely breathtaking as it is located in the grasslands of the Himalayas.


Life is simple in Kalap as the main occupations are agriculture and animal rearing.

11. Kheerganga, Himachal Pradesh

Kheerganga lies at the end of the Parvati Valley and is a meadow at 2960 metres, where Shiva is said to have meditated for 3000 years. The hot water springs are an experience worth remembering and the 8-hour trek is absolutely worth it. The best times to visit are between May and October.


12. Tabo, Himachal Pradesh

Located in the Spiti Valley, this village is home to the 1000 year old Tabo monastery which His Holiness the Dalai Lama considers the holiest of all monasteries. Hotels are sparse, hostels and guesthouses of the monastery are other alternatives for accommodation.


13. Chitkul, Himachal Pradesh

Chitkul is the last inhabited village on the ancient India-Tibet trade route before the Indo-China border. The Kagyupa temple has a highly valued old image of the Shakyamuni Buddha, a Wheel of Life mandala and four Directional Kings on either side of the door.


14. Majuli, Assam

Majuli is an island on the Brahmaputra river and covers a total area of 1250 sq km. Rice is predominantly grown here, especially some interesting varities like komal saul that is cooked in warm water in just fifteen minutes. Another is bao dhan which is eaten as a breakfast cereal. Textiles using Muga silk are also produced here.


15. Ladghar, Maharashtra

The main attraction here is the beach "Tamas Teertha" where the sunset is a view to behold. Some parts of the sea appear to be red in colour while boat trips are available for dolphin watching.

This beach has two beautiful, ancient temples - one of Lord Shiva known as "Veleshwar" and the other of Lord Datta situated on a small hill.


16. Patnitop, Jammu and Kashmir

The strange name is actually a distortion of the original name "Patan Da Talab", meaning pond of the princess. Patnitop offers beautiful picnic spots, peaceful walks, trekking trails and views of the mountainscape of the Chenab basin.


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