45 Best Colleges Ranked By Sex Appeal

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Re: 45 Best Colleges Ranked By Sex Appeal

Postby neeraj » Mon Jan 29, 2018 6:09 pm

11. University of Oregon

Oregon is supposedly one of the healthiest states in the country, and you can absolutely see that represented with its college women. The Ducks football jerseys take a lot of heat, but in my opinion they actually work on females. The colors especially look great on Ducks cheerleaders.


Students all agree that spring term is the best time in Eugene, when you can see what's been hidden from you in cold winter.

10. Louisiana State University

Cajun girls have irresistible accents that make them extra attractive. LSU also has great cheerleaders, and their marching band even gets into the act, featuring a subunit called the LSU Golden Girls.


Maybe it's the tan skin or that Southerners rarely have to bundle like polar bears in winter clothing, but for most people, a walk around LSU's campus is undeniably a glance at some really attractive folks. The sheer magnitude of the campus gives students hope that somewhere out there, a potential hottie is waiting to be found.

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