Have A Cup Of Tea In 22 Countries

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Re: Have A Cup Of Tea In 22 Countries

Postby shahrukh » Wed Sep 12, 2018 2:39 pm

11. Pakistan


The local name for tea is chai, and has become embedded in the culture of Pakistan. If you’re lucky enough to visit a Pakistani bazaar you will notice that the shopkeepers drink tea on tap, quite literally.

12. Thailand


Thai iced tea or cha-yen (literally “cold tea”) is a drink made from strongly brewed Ceylon tea, mixed with condensed milk and sugar and then topped with evaporated milk. When sold from market stalls in Thailand, the drink is poured over crushed ice in a clear plastic bag or tall plastic cups.

13. China


In addition to being a drink, Chinese tea is used in traditional Chinese medicine and cuisine. According to popular legend, tea was discovered by Chinese Emperor Shennong when a leaf from a nearby shrub fell into water the emperor was boiling.

14. Egypt


Egyptians are well-known for being big tea drinkers. Their national Egyptian drink is called Karkadeh tea, which is a sweet-sour drink of bright red color, made of dried Sudanese rose flower bracts. You can drink it both hot and cold.

15. Mongolia


Mongolian tea is not at all similar to other fine teas. The Mongolian variation is prepared with salt, and may include solid food like rice or noodles. What makes it unique is that it uses the more coarse parts of the plant. The savoury drink is served in a shallow metal bowl alongside most meals.

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