Adulterated Groceries We Get In The Market

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Re: Adulterated Groceries We Get In The Market

Postby neeraj » Mon Sep 11, 2017 12:04 pm

11. Honey


To find granules of sugar is not a foolproof way to check the purity of honey.
How to spot fake: Take a cotton wick and dip it in honey. Then try to burn it. If the wick burns readily then the honey is pure, and if it crackles then it’s not.

12. Paneer


That paneer in your paneer mutter is not really paneer. It’s starch. Paneer is one of the most adulterated items in our country.
How to spot fake: Take water and put a cube of paneer and boil it. Once it cools down, put some drops of iodine solution on it. If the paneer turns blue, then the starch is present in it.

13. Chilli powder


Did you know you could be eating brick instead of chilli powder? That’s because crushed red brick looks exactly like chilli powder and therefore it is put in your masala.
How to spot fake: Put a teaspoon of chilli powder in a glass of water. If the solution emits colour then your chilli powder is adulterated.

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