Admire The 15 Most Beautiful Birds In The World

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Admire The 15 Most Beautiful Birds In The World

Postby shahrukh » Sat Feb 09, 2019 12:40 pm

Our planet is awash with fascinating animal species, each of which plays a vital role in the ecosystem and makes the world a beautiful place for us to live in. But among all the species, birds are perhaps the prettiest. Take a look at the world's most dazzlingly beautiful birds:

1. Green Wing Macaw Parrot


This stunning parrot is best known for its yellow-bared eyes. It is mostly found in forests and green lands.

2. Stork-billed Kingfisher


A native to the forests and tropical lands of South Asia - particularly Sri Lanka and India. This captivating bird keeps bird-watchers on their toes.

3. Peafowl


Better known as the peacock or Pavo, this large and beautiful bird belongs to the pheasant family. This beautiful bird is farmed for its distinctive shades and colors.

4. Painted Bunting


This male bird is native to North America and is easily recognized for its green back, blue head, and orange body.

5. Rainbow Lorikeet


The Rainbow Lorikeet is best known for its colorful body and dazzling eyes. It resides in several regions of Australia.

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