17 Outlandish Women You Never Knew Existed

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17 Outlandish Women You Never Knew Existed

Postby neeraj » Sat Dec 23, 2017 2:40 pm

If you are on the hunt for a collection of some of the strangest, weirdest or freakish women to be found on this earth, this list

will certainly deliver what you are looking for. Some of these women were unfortunately born how they are wihilst others seem intent on changing themselves in such a way that they are no longer recognizable.

Aneta Florczyk


Four-time winner of the world’s strongest woman, Aneta Florczuk has been powerlifting ever since the age of 16. She is so strong that she can hold fully grown men above her head and has become the most successful woman power-lifter in history.

Asha Mandela


Asha Mandela decided to do something about her unmanageable hair and turned it into locs instead. Now, eight years of growing later, they are the world’s longest locs according to the Guinness Book of Records at a staggering 19 feet long.

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