13 Places On Earth People Risk Their Lives To Visit

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Re: 13 Places On Earth People Risk Their Lives To Visit

Postby jeevan » Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:26 am

9. Phugtal Monastery, Ladakh, India

Located in the Zanskar region of Ladakh, the monastery is a unique construction of mud and timber. It is built at the entrance of a cave on the cliff-face of a lateral gorge of a major tributary of the Lungnak (Lingti-Tsarap) River. From a distance, the monastery looks like a giant honeycomb.


This is the only monastery that can be reached by foot. The altitude and limited options for food make it a little difficult for visitors to adapt to.

10. Trolltunga, Norway

Literally translated as Troll's Tongue, Trolltunga is one of the most spectacular scenic cliffs in Norway. It is 1100 meters above sea level, hovering 700 metres above Lake Ringedalsvatnet. The view is breathtaking. The hike goes through high mountains, and takes 8-10 hours in total (to Trolltunga and back), and the ascent is about 900 meters. The hike is usually possible to do from mid June, depending on when the snow melts in the mountains. Do carry an extra pair of pants if you plan on peeking over the edge.


There are several things to take into consideration when deciding to hike Norway’s Trolltunga. Can you walk up a flight of stairs without breathing hard? Do you mind stepping in mud puddles as large as Rhode Island? Can you handle extreme beauty without sobbing? (There’s a lot of it!)

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