11 Beautiful Things You Come To Know When You Learn To Be Alone

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Re: 11 Beautiful Things You Come To Know When You Learn To Be Alone

Postby jeevan » Thu Jun 20, 2019 3:46 pm

8. You will find that you’re happier and more mentally content this way because now, you don’t have the additional mental burden of seeking contentment from someone or something else.


Happiness, to you, comes from within and that’s the perfect mental space to be in.

9. You lose the fear of loneliness and that’s one of the most empowering feelings.


You stop inviting things and people into your life because you’re scared that you’ll get lonely. The whole idea that something is better than nothing goes out of the window and you wait patiently for good things to happen instead of rushing into making bad decisions out of loneliness.

10. You come to the realisation that you’re complete just by yourself.


With more emotional security, you learn that you don’t need anyone or anything else to ‘complete’ you because you’re whole on your own and this understanding of the self makes you feel even more independent.

11. When you learn to be alone, you get to meet the best version of yourself.


You’re someone who has had the time to introspect, you improve yourself, you’re focused on your life and you figure out that happiness comes from within.

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