13 Common Mistakes Men Make While Wearing Accessories To Work

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Re: 13 Common Mistakes Men Make While Wearing Accessories To Work

Postby vinay » Mon Nov 21, 2016 12:04 pm

12. That guy whose Ray-Bans can double up as a portable mirror for you.


I'm sure you like that guy in a way. A portable tinted mirror roaming about, there for you whenever you need to take a quick look at yourself. It's awesome for you, sometimes. But it's also terribly fake.

13. That guy whose phone covers make you question the existence of mobile phones.


We all have that one donkey who will get the most random, most unusable phone covers for his phone. What's worse is that most of these covers have been imported from Hong Kong, after that guy's 4-year-old niece picked it out for him. Do you really want to be in a meeting where that guy answers his phone with this? You do? Really?

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