7 Things Men Should Never Hide From Their Girlfriends

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7 Things Men Should Never Hide From Their Girlfriends

Postby shahrukh » Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:39 pm


A relationship works the best when you put in honesty on the top of all elements along with love.

Somehow, I have seen relationships getting destroyed when a lot of hide and seek is going on between two people and that’s something which shouldn’t happen at all. When two people think of coming together and love each other, there shouldn’t be anything to hide.

After all, you love the other person and hiding things creates a doubt on that love. Especially, men like to hide things from women, thinking they are unnecessary to be talked about. Well, you’re wrong and here are 7 things no man should hide from his girlfriend

1. Your phone.


It’s okay if you have a password on your phone, but not telling her the password isn’t something you should do. I am sure she respects your privacy and she won’t check your phone every second if you don’t hide it from her. Isn’t that better than fighting over why is your phone always locked?

2. Who you meet.


Whether it is a guy or a girl that you’ve met in free time or when she asked where you were, you need to tell her the truth. Unless, you are intentionally hiding it from her for wrong reasons.

3. Your past.


Men like to keep their past to themselves and don’t talk about it much when they are new in a relationship. But don’t you think that it’s better for her to know about your past from you than finding something about you on her own or through someone else?

4. Your friends.


Whether you have good friends or not, don’t hide them from her. It doesn’t matter what she feels about them or what they feel about her, she deserves to know about the people in your life.

5. Your family.


Some men do not tell their girlfriends much about their family because of various reasons. But let me tell you that when a girl is too much into you, she would always want to know everything about them and hiding things will not help you at all.

6. Things that hurt you.


If she said something that you didn’t like or there is something that is bothering you in your life, she deserves to know that. After all, you both love each other and telling her what hurts you will always help you and your relationship.

7. Things you love about her.


Every girl loves compliments and she wants you to make her feel wonderful. That’s why she keeps asking what you like about her the most. So, instead of hiding that from her, keep telling her about those things every now and then to see that smile on her face.

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