7 Things That Girls Mistakenly Think Guys Find Adorable

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7 Things That Girls Mistakenly Think Guys Find Adorable

Postby shahrukh » Thu Jan 12, 2017 2:51 pm


Doing things for your partner so that they might think you’re cute and adorable is a totally normal thing and I’m guessing pretty much every girl out there does it.

But sometimes you might go a little overboard or not even know that men don’t really prefer women who act like that. Well this list is here just for that reason so you know what to not to do. You might think you’re doing everything right but you couldn’t be more wrong!

Read our list and see for yourself.

1. Talking like a baby and acting helpless all the time.


Baby talk can get really annoying specially when you’re dating a grown man. There might be certain immature teens out there who love themselves a damsel in distress but a mature man will want his woman to be confident and act her own age.

2. Bragging about how other men find you se*y and want to be with you.


Telling men about how other men are hitting on you all the time can be a big turn off for them. It may or not may not be true but no man wants to hear his girlfriend bragging about the competition. It just isn’t right!

3. Wearing towering heels which you can barely walk in.


High heels are definitely se*y but if you cannot walk straight in them and your ankle keeps buckling under you then it’s time you ditch them for a trendy pair of flats.

There’s nothing more unappetising than a woman who can’t even walk straight. High heels are meant to be worn so you can enhance your figure and if you can’t even stand straight it’s kind of counterproductive.

4. Eating very little and pretending like you have no appetite at all.


I don’t know where stereotypes such as ‘a lady never eats bread’ and others even came in to existence from! Everyone needs to eat to survive so pretending like you live on salads and eat little to no food isn’t really a turn on. I mean I can’t think of anything stupider!

5. Saying his name over and over again and pretending like no one else exists.


Yes, saying his name might make him feel wanted but do not over do it. You want to make him feel special and like he’s the one for you not that you’re the overly attached girlfriend who cannot survive without him.

6. Wearing clothes that are extremely ‘se*y’ but just look slutty.


Somethings are best left to the imagination. Wearing clothes that are a bit too revealing isn’t really hot! No man wants other people in the street ogling at his woman. Always dress classy, not trashy.

7. Playing mind games and pretending to be all coy.


Acting shy when you’re really not feeling it is quite stupid and any person will be able to see right through your act. Also, playing mind games and pretending to be someone you’re not is a big ‘no-no’ because the truth always comes out and sooner or later your boyfriend will know what you’ve been up to.

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