8 Traits That Will Make Your Guy Want You Forever

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Re: 8 Traits That Will Make Your Guy Want You Forever

Postby jeevan » Thu Mar 09, 2017 2:22 pm

6. Sometimes, do what he likes too!


You shouldn't be the only person who is being pampered all the time in your relationship. Give him choices too. Every once in a while doing what he likes wouldn't do any harm to you. In fact it shall strengthen your bond.

7. Initiate the intimacy.


More often than not men initiate the physical intimacy but doing it every once in a while on your own make them feel that they are wanted by you.

8. Self Indulgence.


Even though you love him tons, keeping yourself before him is not mean. Make sure that you are focusing on self indulgence. There is no bigger turn on for a man than a woman who doesn't 'need' a man but 'wants' him instead.

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