Chinese Flight Attendants Lethal Weapon Training

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Re: Chinese Flight Attendants Lethal Weapon Training

Postby jeevan » Tue May 09, 2017 12:40 pm

Some martial arts classes are held in the open air, and they look more like the training of army recruits than that of newbie flight attendants.


The girls work hard to become stronger and to increase the force of their hit. They are trained how to go through obstacle courses as well as how to defend against an edged weapon attack. Passing the final exam is the last step to becoming an official member of a cabin crew, however this task is rather challenging. To become a successful college graduate, students have to break a ceramic plate with one hand on their first try.


Special attention is paid to the lessons where trainee flight attendants are taught how to neutralize a criminal’s or terrorist’s intentions during the flight.


It’s hard to believe, but these charming ladies undergo rigorous and intense training in an effort to make every passenger feel safe and comfortable onboard.


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