30 Recipes To Make On This Ganesh Chaturthi

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Re: 30 Recipes To Make On This Ganesh Chaturthi

Postby vinay » Sat Sep 03, 2016 5:03 pm

28. Sabudana thalipeeth recipe


Sabudana thalipeeth recipe – a popular Maharashtrian snack recipe made during vrat, upwas or fasting.

29. Batata Poha Recipe


Batata poha recipe aka aloo poha or bataka pauaa is popular Gujarati and Maharashtrian snack or breakfast that goes perfect with a cup of tea. Earlier I thought this is only Gujarati recipe as I grew up eating it, but when I was in Mumbai, I had this batata poha breakfast in one of the restaurants before going to American Consulate while dear hubby had dosa. And then I also read aloo poha recipe in Marathi cookbook. So which region’s food is it exactly?? Don’t know.

30. Sabudana Vada Recipe


Sabudana vada recipe – fried, crispy fritters made from tapioca pearls, mashed potatoes and peanuts.

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