The 10 Craziest Spa Treatments

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Re: The 10 Craziest Spa Treatments

Postby jeevan » Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:11 pm

6. Reiki on Horseback


The Japanese practice of Reiki is focused on the belief that healing energy—when passed from practitioner to client—can correct imbalances in both spirit and body. Usually the practitioner is a human, but Rockin' Heart Ranch owner (and Certified Reiki Master) Christina DiBartolo believes that horses also possess an innate healing energy. Riding on horseback—either alone or with DiBartolo, and with her guidance—ostensibly allows a client to tap into that energy, and ease everything from physical aches and pains to emotional anxiety.

7. Wine Bath


Located in Kowakien Yunessun, the biggest, most popular spa center in Japan, reopened its doors every year for their most popular treatment. Hundreds of gallons of Beaujolais Nouveau, the most popular wine in Japan, are used during the 12 day period the wine spa welcomes its guests. For the last few years, Japanese wine lovers have had the opportunity to drink and bathe in the liquor they love so much, at the Hakone Kowakien Yunessun. The red pool is constantly fed wine through the wine-bottle-shaped spring, while a sommelier stands by to fill up the glasses of those craving some more Beaujolais Nouveau. Getting drunk is not going to make your wrinkles go away, but will definitely stop you from worrying about them for a few hours.

8. Gondola Massage


It should come as no surprise that the most romantic city in the world would be the home of an über-enticing spa treat. At Casanova Spa at Hotel Cipriani in Venice, Italy, relaxation-seekers who can't get enough of the city's sights can set sail with a Gondola Massage, performed in a private nook in one of Venice's alluring lagoons. To protect your skin, this outdoor massage is given using a special oil with SPF protection.

9. Snow Cave Anti Sauna


This anti-sauna room is the perfect place to go to cool out after a sauna section. The indoor artificial snowstorm is merely to provide ambience, but believers say that a shot of extreme cold—especially after a stint in a hot tub or sauna—can help reduce hypertension and tighten pores. Avaiable at the Butlins Ocean Spa, located in Bognor Regis, West Sussex.

10. Beer Facelift


First chocolate and now alcohol—I guess we're all looking for new, non-caloric ways to experience our favorite things. If you love beer, but hate the subsequent bloat, head to a Spa and experience the healing power of the yeasts for a change. The vitamins in the beer bath are said to rejuvenate your pores and relieve tension in your muscles, giving your face a fresh “glow”—quite different from the glow you get after drinking a couple of Budweisers.

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