11 Most Weirdest Car Customizations In The World

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11 Most Weirdest Car Customizations In The World

Postby shahrukh » Sat Jul 13, 2019 2:40 pm

For many of us, cars are a tool, a means to get around efficiently. But for others, cars are the ultimate form of self-expression. Some people show who they are through a unique paint job, others make do with vanity plates, and yet others pile modification upon modification on their cars until the original is barely recognizable. Here are some cases where car owners might have taken those customizations a tad too far:

1. This bus doesn’t quite look safe


2. You might have overdone it with the gold, bub


Alexandre Prévot

3. Is there anything more American than a Hummer limo?


Chris Waits

4. Why yes, there is! A monster truck limo!



5. Speaking of limos and monster trucks, how about a DeLorean limo AND a monster truck? Great Scott!



6. This Fiat boat car only looks amphibious. Try to sail the high seas with this baby and you’ll meet a watery end


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