"This was the garden.
It didn't look like much, but it meant everything to its gardener.
It was his home.
It was his supper.
It was his joy."

The little gardener approaches gardening with joy and he works hard unfortunately he is not “much good at gardening” and is “just too little”.

Despite these setbacks, the little gardener’s labor results in one plant blossoming.

"It was a flower.
It was alive and wonderful.
It gave the gardener hope and made him want to work even harder."

The gardener works day and night, determinedly taming his jungle of a garden.

Even though he worked and toiled the land, the garden starts to die, jeopardizing the gardener’s home, supper and joy.

One night, when the gardener is feeling particularly hopeless, he wishes upon the night sky. He wishes for help so that he could save his garden.

"No one heard his little voice, but someone saw his flower.
It was alive and wonderful.
It gave the someone hope.
It made the someone want to work harder."

After he makes his wish the gardener falls into a deep slumber, sleeping for days, weeks, a month.

While the gardener rests, his single success inspires a girl. Enchanted by the flower she begins tending the rest of the garden.

The gardener awakens to a transformed garden, blooming with foliage, flowers, and vegetables.

"This is the garden now.
And this is its gardener.
He doesn't look like much,
but he means everything to his garden."