8 Of The Most Bizarre Festivals Celebrated Around The World

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Re: 8 Of The Most Bizarre Festivals Celebrated Around The World

Postby shahrukh » Wed Sep 28, 2016 12:00 pm

3. Cheese Rolling, England


Gloucestershire’s hills are where this bizarre festival takes place. Held on the last Monday in May, the participants need to first register to race down the hills chasing a big wheel of cheese. And it’s not just any cheese, but Gloucester’s famous Double Cheese. This is accompanied by the spectators chanting “Roll the cheese!” In the earlier days, only local people would take part, however, today people from all over the world come to be a part of this spectacle.
A word of caution: The competition is not as easy as it looks, so enter at your own risk!

4. Battle of the Oranges, Italy


The origin of this festival dates back to the middle Ages when the residents of Ivrea village freed themselves from a tyrannical feudal lord. The Battle of the Oranges is an enactment of this struggle, and is spread over three days in February each year. The festival comprises of two warring factions – the Aranceri, who are the orange throwers and represent the common people fighting against the enemy group who supported the feudal lord. The spectators distribute sweets and there is a traditional procession that passes through the town.
A rather fruity affair.

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