11 Thoughts People Who Are Anxious All The Time Go Through

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Re: 11 Thoughts People Who Are Anxious All The Time Go Through

Postby jeevan » Mon May 21, 2018 5:58 pm

5. “I forgot to lock my house!”


Anxiety makes people check their locks more than once. I personally know people who would literally hang on their locks as if their life depended on it. But it’s no laughing matter. On bad days, such thoughts overpower them.

6. “What if not enough people like my post?”


Social media is held responsible for more than one problem, especially for anxious folks who, after sending a post, sit on it and worry themselves sick about how people would react. “What if no one comments?” or “What if no one even likes my photo” are some of the thoughts that linger on.

7. “I can’t go to sleep.”


Restlessness is one of the by-products of being anxious all the time. The clock ticks on as they try to calm themselves down to dive into slumber. Self-chastising gives little solace - “It’s 3 AM! I don’t know how I will wake up tomorrow. I should have gone to bed early.”

8. “Are they laughing at me?”


The nagging feeling that someone is judging these people also never settles. In a social setting like a workplace, it becomes more pronounced. The already anxious person then finds herself/himself looking for a corner to crawl into.

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