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Re: 14 Most Weird And Surprising Animal Species

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 5:38 pm
by jeevan
9. Maned Rat

Despite the misleading name, this is a kind of rodent belonging to the hamster family, which explains its impressive fur and long tail. Under its black and white fur, this rat hides a very effective defense mechanism: skin glands on the sides of the body that secrete a poison which deters predators and even kills them.


10. Common basilisk

When you see this lizard you do not have to fear for your life, despite the mythical monster with the stone gaze that gave it its name. However, there is no doubt that the bumps on their heads and the ability of these lizards to run and walk on water will certainly surprise you. The sights can be seen in Central America and the state of Florida in the US, where the common basilisk lives.


11. Pygmy hippopotamus

Despite their deceptive name, these mammals are dwarfed only by their large relatives, as this is still an animal that can reach a length of 150-177 cm and a weight of 180-275 kg. Like their more well-known relatives, pygmy hippos are well adapted to life on land, but they spend considerable time in bodies of water to cool their bodies and keep their skin moist. This is a lone, solitary animal, and according to the World Conservation Union, there are only about 3,000 of them left in the wild, so it is very difficult to investigate their behavior under natural conditions.


12. Goliath heron

In step with its binding name, this is the largest heron species in the world, mainly in Africa (south of the Sahara), and there are also small populations of it in South and Southwest Asia! The height of the average Goliath heron is approximately 120-152 cm and has a wingspan of 185-230 cm. In principle, Goliath herons don’t migrate from place to place, but they will abandon their habitat if conditions in their original homes change for the worse.


13. Alligator gar

The length of this large, ancient fish (researchers speculate that this species has existed for more than 100 million years) can reach 3 meters, and as you probably guess it is a predatory fish whose main prey is other fish, but also crayfish, waterfowl, and small mammals. It has a rare ability to breathe underwater and also in the open air, a very useful feature when the swamps and rivers in which it lives in North and Central America dry out.


14. Congo peafowl

Unlike the large peacocks we know, Congo peafowl reach an average of 64-70 cm, with females smaller than males and their tail feathers much less colorful and impressive.
