11 Most Unusual Dress Codes From Around The World

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Re: 11 Most Unusual Dress Codes From Around The World

Postby jeevan » Tue Jun 18, 2019 12:49 pm

4. You are not allowed to wear high heels in Greece at historical sites such as the Acropolis or Delphi.


The ancient sight suffers when walked on by pointed shoes. To keep their monuments healthy, they came up with this policy.

5. Uganda is a place where you can't wear miniskirts.


Uganda signed into law sweeping and controversial anti-pornography legislation that outlaws miniskirts and other types of revealing clothing. Ugandan women are not comfortable and have escalated a lot of debates since the law came into being.

6. Men can’t wear makeup in Sudan.


In year 2009, the Saudi government arrested 67 men at a private party in Riyadh. The offence was that they were cross-dressing and “behaving like women.”

7. In France, under the law, people are prohibited from completely covering their faces and it includes clothing items, from scarves and burqas to masks and motorcycle helmets.


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