10 Architectural Wonders Of The Ancient World

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Re: 10 Architectural Wonders Of The Ancient World

Postby jeevan » Fri Oct 21, 2016 6:06 pm

Al Khazneh ' Petra, Jordan


Known as the Treasury at Petra and carved into rose-coloured stone, this rock façade is one of the most ornate architectural wonders of the ancient world. Originally built as a crypt around the first century A.D., the sandstone carving is reminiscent of Greek architecture from that time period. What makes it so impressive, even today, is the intricate detail work that has, for the most part, remained intact. There are several legends surrounding the reason for its construction, ranging from theories about it being a treasury for the Egyptian Pharaoh during the time of Moses, to it being a hiding spot for thieves and pirates to stash their stolen goods. Whatever the reason for its construction, it's architectural beauty is indisputable.

Chand Baori ' India


According to the legend in the village of Abhaneri in Rajasthan, India, where the Chand Baori stepwell lies, ghosts built it around the 10th century. As far-fetched as that may seem, there don't seem to be any other explanations on the table as to how this perfectly designed stepwell came to be. Around 900 AD, King Chanda had it built to solve the area's drought problem. Roughly 13 stories high, dug into a V-shape nearly 100 feet below the earth's surface, with an estimated 3,500 perfectly levelled steps, King Chanda devoted it to the Goddess of Joy and Happiness, Hashat Mata, upon its completion. Details on its impressive construction remain a mystery.

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