Be Kind To Yourself And It Will Do Wonders For Your Health

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Re: Be Kind To Yourself And It Will Do Wonders For Your Health

Postby shahrukh » Sat Nov 05, 2016 12:25 pm

3. It helps you to be more relaxed in life.


It is not good to be self-critical, so if you are a perfectionist sort of a person it teaches you to be a little gentle on yourself. According to the research, people who tend to judge themselves a lot and want everything to perfect have been reported with low self-compassion. Not loving oneself can take a toll on your emotional health.

4. Helps people who have been body shamed.


Researches say that self compassion can help people who may be at risk of body-based health issues. Specially women with low self esteem or have negative body image, self-love can actually help them to come out of depression and be less harsh and critical about themselves.

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