7 Obvious Signs That It's Time To Schedule An Appointment And Get Your Thyroid Checked

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Re: 7 Obvious Signs That It's Time To Schedule An Appointment And Get Your Thyroid Checked

Postby shahrukh » Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:01 pm

3. Fluctuation in energy levels


If you feel lethargic and drained out quite often it certainly not a good sign. It seriously doesn’t matter how much you sleep or take rest, blame it on your hypoactive thyroid. In this condition staying active can be a serious struggle and even normal everyday task seem too much. But if you have hyperactive thyroid then you can be a little hyper, jittery and even fidgety.

4. Change in appetite


If you've got an under-active thyroid, your energy levels can drop considerably, so you need to consume fewer calories to function. Your appetite goes down and you might eat less. Paradoxically, since your body is converting fewer calories into energy, you can actually gain weight. At the opposite end of the spectrum, a hyperactive thyroid can increase your metabolism, leading to abrupt weight loss.

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