9 Critical Credit Card Mistakes You Didn't Know You Were Making

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Re: 9 Critical Credit Card Mistakes You Didn't Know You Were Making

Postby shahrukh » Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:58 pm

3. Some of us get way too many cards


Credit cards are a boon when in need. But the greedy bunch that we are, we always 'need' more. Which is great for the banks, but definitely not for us. It is simple logic, more credit cards means more spending, more spending means deeper debt. Additionally, it also affects your credit score and the annual fees also adds to your expenditure. Having one card is ideal because it's much easier to track with all your expenses in one place. Credit is not an added income so getting another card when you max out your limit on one is not the solution. It'll only make things worse.

4. Using a credit card for everyday items


Until and unless you're caught in a massive shitstorm in life, you should be able to pay for your basic necessities with your monthly salary. Using your cards for purposes like buying groceries and paying off utility bills is often the first step of losing control of your spending. You don't wish to make the Rs 100 you spent buying vegetables cost you Rs 1000 with interest, do you? Not using your card will also help in keeping your expenses under control. Keep your cards for a purchase that you perhaps don't wish to make with the money you have. Like buying electronics or getting flight and hotel tickets.

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