These 5 Things Should Never Bother You In A Relationship, If It's Real

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Re: These 5 Things Should Never Bother You In A Relationship, If It's Real

Postby vinay » Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:50 pm

2. Not getting along with your partner’s friends.


Okay, so who wouldn’t want to be a part of his/her gang? But sometimes, you may just not get along with certain people no matter how hard you try. And guess what? That’s perfectly fine!

Stop beating yourself up and give yourself the freedom to choose. It’s just a little bit of courtesy that we are asking for.

3. Bringing up the past, every now and then.


Someone has rightly said that you have to go through a couple of nightmares before you catch sight of that beautiful dream.

Judging someone for their past choices or decisions isn’t a healthy thing to do as it will only end up weakening your relationship. Instead, try and be strong enough to let go of whatever happened in their past and believe in the beauty of what could happen in the future by nurturing your present.

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