12 Places You Have To Visit If What You're Looking For Is Spiritual Energy

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Re: 12 Places You Have To Visit If What You're Looking For Is Spiritual Energy

Postby shahrukh » Mon Mar 27, 2017 5:40 pm

3. Stonehenge, England


Stonehenge and spirituality go hand in hand. This prehistoric monument in England underwent several stages of growth, until reaching its final one in 1500 B.C. It was then when blue stones rearranged in the shape of a horseshoe (which is considered a lucky charm in many cultures), and the circle we see today was formed. The stone rings are believed to be solar, lunar, stellar observatories along with being a ritual structure. Many ancient cultures held festivals on the solstices and equinoxes to celebrate the renewal of energies. Tourists visit this place to feel that vibe, and rejuvenate themselves with the energies of nature. Stonehenge looks best during the summer solstice, so you could maybe plan a trip then!

4. Crater Lake, Oregon, United States


Crater Lake was formed 8,000 years ago, after an alleged massive eruption caused Mount Mazama to collapse. The lake plunges nearly 2000 feet below ground, which makes it the deepest in the US and seventh deepest in the world. The Native American Klamath tribe has always called this lake a sacred site. According to one of their legends, the Chief of the Above World and the Chief of the Below World had a battle which led to the destruction of Mount Mazama. In earlier times, the tribesmen used Crater Lake in their vision quests and it is still considered a spiritual spot. The lake is now part of Crater Lake National Park and should be topmost on your travel list.

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