8 Ways In Which You Can Help Yourself In Coping With Depression

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Re: 8 Ways In Which You Can Help Yourself In Coping With Depression

Postby neeraj » Sat Apr 15, 2017 5:17 pm

3. Indulge in things that make you happy.


What is it that you really enjoy doing - painting, yoga, playing a musical instrument, reading, writing?

While you can’t force yourself to have fun but you can certainly push yourself to do things you like doing, even when you don’t feel like it, even when its difficult.

4. Have some physical activity in the day.


When you are fighting with depression, even getting out of your room can be a big task, forget indulging in a work out session.

But try and do some physical activity, be it as small as moving up and down a flight of stairs or walking because exercise is a powerful depression fighter and it will certainly make you feel a lot lighter and better about yourself.

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