How To Be The Most Interesting Girl In Your Friends

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Re: How To Be The Most Interesting Girl In Your Friends

Postby jeevan » Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:11 pm


3. Try to be friends with many different kinds of people. Such as the popular group, the smart kids, the skater dudes, surfer dudes...everyone. Try to open up a bit and accept people for who they are. Not everyone is like you. And they'll very much appreciate it if you don't judge them just by who they talk to or what they look like. People will find you very unique and fun if you get along with all types of people. :) Just avoid bullies and girls who gossip too much.(But still treat them nicely, just don't hang out with them)


4. Dress according to your personality. Please, do not wear black lipstick, black eyeliner, black eye shadow and all that if you're a natural bubbly person. (Nothing against people who wear all black). Dress like how YOU feel. But don't show up to school looking like a hooker. That will open you up to a new set of problems. If you're more of a girly girl, try showing that more by your clothes. I know appearance isn't everything. But it does play a huge role in inviting people in. I mean, who would think that a girl who wears sweat pants (even though they're super comfy) and over sized t-shirts, interesting (or even attractive)? Just make sure you dress appropriately yet fun. Don't wear too much makeup. For middle school, use clear concealer for bags\ zits\ red spots, a blush one shade lighter than your skin tone, eyeshadow one shade darker than your skin tone, and clear lipgloss. For high school, use the same thing but with brown\ clear mascara, brown eyeliner. Both middle schoolers and high schoolers can curl their eyelashes.

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