12 Things To Do Today That Your Future Will Thank You

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Re: 12 Things To Do Today That Your Future Will Thank You

Postby vinay » Tue Sep 20, 2016 5:58 pm

3. Be alone and be okay with it


Whether you go out to grab something quick to eat or are travelling to Rome, acquiring the ability to confidently spend time alone is essential.

Dependence is never a good thing, but depending on another person for your well-being is self-destructive. Being happy on your own will allow you to reach a level of self-love and appreciation that other people can't supplement. And, eventually, you’ll begin to enjoy your own company.

4. Learn to cook something that actually tastes good


It means that you don’t have to depend on others to make your meals. It will also give you a sense of independence, freedom, and self-sufficiency. Learning to cook means taking control of what you ingest. It is cost-effective and a great skill to impress your future partner.

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