40 Things About Air Travel That Only Flight Attendants Know

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Re: 40 Things About Air Travel That Only Flight Attendants Know

Postby vinay » Tue Jan 23, 2018 4:07 pm

31. What Is It Like for Pets to Fly?

For years, a debate has raged over the best way to travel on planes with pets. While flying is undoubtedly stressful for animals, and their owners, here’s what even the best trained, most prepared pet owners should know…



One aircraft fueler took to Reddit to give some words of advice. While the fueler explained that in most cases, the airline will attempt to handle pet travel as best as possible, factors like noise on the ramp can’t be avoided.

There are more shocking facts about airplane travel where that came from, read on!

32. Why are Flights so Expensive?

Hopeful passengers are used to moaning and groaning over what seem to be ever-inflating flight costs. It seems there is a ridiculous fee for everything these days. In fact, a plane has to fly at 85% capacity for the airline to make a meager profit off of a ticket.


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The majority of airline profits come from baggage fees, seat fees and any other cost they can tack on. Given the fact that airplanes need a certain amount of passengers to make money and that people often miss flights for various reasons, flights are often overbooked.

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