40 Stunning Images Of Our Planet By NASA

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Re: 40 Stunning Images Of Our Planet By NASA

Postby jeevan » Tue Jan 30, 2018 1:04 pm

35. Hurricane Harvey, Seen From the Cupola of the International Space Station


On August 25, 2017, NASA astronaut Jack Fischer photographed Hurricane Harvey from the cupola module aboard the International Space Station as it intensified on its way toward the Texas coast. The Expedition 52 crew on the station has been tracking this storm for the past two days and capturing Earth observation photographs and videos from their vantage point in low Earth orbit.

36. Space Station Flight Over the Bahamas


One of the most recognizable points on the Earth for astronauts to photograph is the Bahamas, captured in striking images many times from the vantage point of the International Space Station. Expedition 52 Flight Engineer Randy Bresnik of NASA took this photo on Aug. 13, 2017, and shared it with his followers on social media. Bresnik said, "The stunning Bahamas were a real treat for us. The vivid turquoise of the water over the reef was absolutely captivating."

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