40 Things About Air Travel That Only Flight Attendants Know

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Re: 40 Things About Air Travel That Only Flight Attendants Know

Postby vinay » Tue Jan 23, 2018 4:10 pm

39. How Often is Autopilot Used?

Don’t freak out, but the chances that a computer is flying your plane are very high. Well, at least for the majority of the trip. According to standard procedure, pilots activate autopilot for about 90% of most commercial flights.


The Nest

While a human touch is needed for take-off, landing and taxing to the gate, the autopilot system is engaged for most of the cruising period. That doesn’t mean the cockpit crew is sitting around bored, but autopilot frees them to focus on tasks such as navigation and systems and communication operation.

40. When is the Best Time to Fly?

Flight crews are the ultimate frequent fliers. Therefore, it’s no surprise that they have some tips on choosing the best time of day to fly. We’ll give you the bad news first: you’ll have to set your alarm clock early. Good news: you’ll be more likely to avoid inclement weather.


Wonderful Engineering

Although nothing is guaranteed, insiders say there is less of a likelihood of turbulence on morning flights as air is less bumpy earlier in the day. Those AM journeys are also less likely to run into thunderstorms. Don’t worry, you can always nap during the smooth ride.

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