16 Places To See In The Beautiful Scottish Highlands

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Re: 16 Places To See In The Beautiful Scottish Highlands

Postby shahrukh » Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:56 pm

9. Beinn Alligin in Wester Ross.


Beinn Alligin is Gaelic for ‘jeweled hill’ due to the curious, bumpy features that surround the sedimentary rocks of Wester Ross. It’s such a beautiful place, and I can’t help feel like nature is improved upon when I consider its superb name and look at it again.

10. The Isle of Staff


The Isle of Staff seems to me a stunning example of how natural accidents can make the things appear designed. Who knows whether these basalt rock formations and columns are results of an artistic creator or not, but either way their creation from the action of waves smashing against a former volcanic rock is simply breathtaking.

11. Sgùrr Thearlaich, Isle of Skye


This is the simply incredible view you will experience if you are able to make it up Sgùrr Thearlaich, a mountain covered in loose, rocky scree. Up here is a hidden treat – a volcanic mountain loch surrounded on all sides by gigantic rocky peaks.

12. The Stacks of Duncansby, John o’ Groats


John o’Groats is well known in Great Britain for being the northernmost part of the island. But it’s not only its geographic locations that sets it apart from the rest of field, it also is home to the mesmerizing seas stacks, that jut out just beyond the coastline. They are home to many hundreds of nesting sea birds: guillemots, fulmars, razorbills and gannets.

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