8 Places You Must Visit Around Bengaluru If A Quick Getaway Is What You Require

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Re: 8 Places You Must Visit Around Bengaluru If A Quick Getaway Is What You Require

Postby jeevan » Thu Oct 20, 2016 2:07 pm

5. Bheemeshwari


If you are an adventurous night owl, Bheemeshwari will serve your needs the best. Situated on the banks of the Cauvery river at 80 km from Bengaluru, the camp offers the ideal weekend getaway. For rafting, trekking, boat rides and fishing along with the water sports, Bheemeshwari is a hassle-free scenic spot. Rich in flora and fauna, it is also great place to connect to nature and de-stress from routine life.

6. Madhugiri


Boasting of being the world’s second largest monolith, Madhugiri is a haven for trekkers. Located 106 km away from the state capital, the single hill is visited all around the year. The Madhugiri Fort, which is celebrated for its impressive architecture crafted in stone, is one of the major attractions of the region. Other notable spots for sightseeing are Jayamangali Blackbuck Reserve, which is 25 km from Madhugiri, Siddara Betta, a place famed for the presence of medicinal herbs and the temples dedicated to Venkataramana and Malleshvara.

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