13 Common Mistakes Men Make While Wearing Accessories To Work

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Re: 13 Common Mistakes Men Make While Wearing Accessories To Work

Postby vinay » Mon Nov 21, 2016 12:03 pm

4. That guy who has more rings than fingers!


They feel that wearing these precious stones will extend their lives, ward off evil, make them rich, stop hair loss, make them well informed, become sexy, make them smarter, transform them into Batman, help them lose weight, help them in their career, keep them thin, help with constipation, etc. etc. etc. Don't be that guy who needs to depend on the stars for anything to happen. It's your astrologer's wet dream, but unfortunately not anyone else's. Avoid.

5. That scrawny guy wearing a gold watch with a dial that's bigger than his face.


No, please, by all means, be that guy who wears the massive watch. We can't make out if you're the employee or the watch. Okay we know you're rich and successful, we know that's the biggest and the most expensive iPhone there is in the market but do you really want to look like an expensive hanger?

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