7 Plants You Should Add To Your Garden For Their Powerful Medicinal Benefits

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Re: 7 Plants You Should Add To Your Garden For Their Powerful Medicinal Benefits

Postby shahrukh » Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:29 pm

5. Mint (pudina)


Apart from being fragrant and flavourful, this herb is also very healthy. Drinking pudina tea relieves indigestion and gastrointestinal discomfort, prevents cancer, boosts immunity, treats morning sickness and menstrual cramps and prevents allergies and asthma. Applying mint topically can soothe aches and pains – that’s why so many pain relieving creams contain mint. It also kills bacteria in the mouth, protecting your teeth against cavities and keeping your breath fresh.

6. Spade leaf (gotu kola)


Gotu kola is a lesser known herb that has a lot of spiritual significance, as it is grown in the Himalayas and used by yogis to meditate. The leaf is said to resemble the two hemispheres of the brain, and is used to balance the crown chakra. Drinking a tonic made with this herb is said to improve memory and intelligence, fight stress and depression, cure nervous system disorders, improve reflexes, boost libido, increase energy levels, prevent premature ageing and treat blood disorders, heart problems, urinary tract infections, venereal diseases and hepatitis.

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