19 Iconic Sportsmen Who Battled Serious Injury And Carried On

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Re: 19 Iconic Sportsmen Who Battled Serious Injury And Carried On

Postby shahrukh » Fri Feb 10, 2017 2:50 pm

5. Franz Beckenbauer plays in sling at World Cup


Franz Beckenbauer was known as ‘Der Kaiser’ during his playing days because of the classy way he bossed games as he glided around the field. Nothing ever seemed to get in the way of his serenity, not even a broken collarbone in the 1970 World Cup semi-final between West Germany and Italy. The West Germans were 1-0 down in Mexico City when, after a foul, Beckenbauer fell and was injured. With his side having used their two substitutes, Beckenbauer sent away the stretcher and opted to carry on, with his injured arm put in a sling. His bravery looked to have paid off when Karl-Heinz Schnellinger equalised in the time added on for Beckenbauer to be treated. But the match, called the “Game of the Century”, still had many twists and turns, with five more goals in extra time – the only World Cup game in which this has happened – as Italy won 4-3.

6. Tyler Hamilton rides Le Tour with broken collarbone


Geraint Thomas’ bravery is wowing them in France, but in 2003 it was Tyler Hamilton who beat the pain in Le Tour. On the first stage into Meaux, Hamilton fell heavily in a mass pile-up near the finish. He remounted, but it soon became clear there was a problem with his shoulder. After going to hospital for an X-ray, he was diagnosed with a fractured collarbone and looked out of the race.

“The team (CSC) left it up to me,” said Hamilton. “I didn’t want to give up. The doctor said if I could handle the pain, then maybe it was possible to continue.”

He started the next day and finished and went on, even winning the final mountain stage of the Pyrenees. When the Tour ended, Hamilton lay fourth, having ridden 4,000km with a broken bone. Earlier in Hamilton’s career, he had carried on riding in the 2002 Tour of Italy with a broken shoulder. He finished second overall, but ground his teeth so hard through the pain that he had to have 11 of them capped or replaced after the race.

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