7 Traditional Dating Rules This Generation Needs To Understand Again

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Re: 7 Traditional Dating Rules This Generation Needs To Understand Again

Postby jeevan » Mon Feb 20, 2017 2:16 pm

4. Waiting for that special moment for your first kiss.


Do you remember the time when you used to think how your first kiss is going to be? I am sure those memories are still very much fresh in your mind, so what’s the harm in putting efforts to make your first kiss memorable with the love of your life.

In creating a moment you will cherish forever and every time you will reminisce about it, it will surely bring a smile on your face.

5. Taking time off from gadgets and just enjoying each other's company.


Staying on your phone or laptops or television is not bad but sometimes turning it off and spending time with your partner tells you things you didn't know earlier about them. You get to hear all their childhood stories, about their dreams and fears that actually helps in strengthening the bond you two share.

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