These Signs Will Tell You If You're Emotionally Unavailable

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Re: These Signs Will Tell You If You're Emotionally Unavailable

Postby neeraj » Tue Mar 28, 2017 4:14 pm

4. You don’t want to know much about the other person.


You would rather just be happy knowing the base level information than probe deeper into a person’s feelings, their fears, their dreams, their passions or their anxieties.

Getting to know the ins and outs of a person really bores you and you would rather invest your time in something that benefits you.

5. You do not give much importance to the other person.


It is always me, myself and I attitude with you.

You organically don’t think about the other person, for instance being late for a dinner date is completely normal for you and you don’t mind making your date wait. Friendships or relationships are just filler for you, until someone better comes along.

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